Organising young workers

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2024 National Young Members' Conference
2 August 2024

Conference notes that Motion 3 “Organising and Training to Win Ballots and Disputes” from the National Young Members’ Forum (NYMF) was resoundingly passed by National Delegate Conference (NDC) 2024, instructing the National Executive Council (NEC) to continue implementing the ‘Organising to Win’ strategy with young members as a priority and to work with the NYMF on engaging young members. Conference notes that the last year has seen a high level of organising and bargaining in UNISON. The ‘One UNISON’ campaigns of ‘Pay Fair for Patient Care’ and organising initiatives in English multi-academy trusts in particular have contributed to net growth of membership as well as increasing engagement of activists and stewards.

Conference notes that out of all new members in 2023, 15 percent were young members. This represents a proportional increase from 13 percent of joiners in 2022 and 10 percent in 2021. However, conference notes the still worrying trend towards decline in the activist base in the union, with the average UNISON activist being 57 years old. Conference believes that, in order to ensure the sustainability of our union, recruitment and training of our young members are key priorities.

Conference recognises the importance of strategic and base organising in order to bargain successfully, win disputes, and develop a strong activist base in the union. Conference further recognises the need for education amongst our members, and particularly young members, in building for successful legal industrial action. Conference notes that, in the last few years, many young members were balloted within their branches for the first time in their lives, and many young members took part in workplace campaigns.

Conference welcomes continued resourcing and support of UNISON’s ‘Organising to Win’ strategy to increase member participation and education, as well as the greater focus on young members set by NDC 2024.

Conference calls upon the NYMF to work with the NEC to:

a) Promote UNISON membership to young workers across public services;

b) Promote awareness of the bargaining gains achieved by UNISON in recent years;

c) Identify successes in developing and organising young activists and promote best practice across UNISON.

Conference further calls upon the NYMF to work with Regional Young Members’ Forums (RYMFs) to:

a) Support young members in becoming more active within their branches, including taking on branch officer roles such as Union Learning Representative;

b) Identify any barriers to young members taking part in branch campaigns or industrial action;

c) Identify any barriers to young members taking part in wider union structures;

d) Provide educational opportunities for young members around industrial action and workplace organising;

e) Support young members, especially those in key sectors such as social care or multi-academy trusts, in becoming active within their RYMFs and other regional and national structures.