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2024 National Young Members' Conference
2 August 2024

Conference notes that the engagement and retention of Young Members can be challenging. However, engaging with young apprentices can often present attentional challenges, with there often being little to no education on what a Union is, while also feeling that their employment is tentative. Despite the fact there are approximately 135,000 Young Members in UNISON, only 1,911 of these are apprentices (1.42%) and have been entered on WARMS, and it is possible that this information is not up to date or accurate.

According to public sector apprenticeship targets, 2.3% of public sector employees should be apprentices. According to the most recent UK Parliament report on apprentices in England alone, the majority of apprentices for the academic year 22/23 were under the age of 25, while there is a very similar story in Wales, with meaning that there are a significant number of Young Workers who are without representation.

Conference notes that the quality of apprenticeships offered often varies across different sites within the same employer. UNISON is keen to push employers to take a strategic approach so that there is consistency across all apprenticeships.

UNISON’s Apprenticeship charter details the rights that all apprentices should have, along with the responsibilities of employers to the apprentices that they employ. These include providing a safe and healthy working environment and payment at the rate for the job. Conference notes that further effort is required to encourage and support employers in engaging with and implementing the charter.

On UNISON’s apprenticeships page, there are a large number of resources, including a model apprenticeship agreement, and toolkit for negotiators and reps. Our Apprentices in Health page also explores the issues facing apprentices in Health, in more detail. UNISON Learning and Organising Services have developed a course for branches and reps who would like to support apprentices through a mentoring scheme, covering a wide range of topics.

Conference calls for the National Young Members Forum to:

1. Work with regions and service groups on campaigning activities to encourage our apprentices to be active in our union, and speak on issues that affect them in their workplace

2. Work with regions to promote UNISON in colleges and 6th Forms where possible to recruit apprentices prior to starting employment and inform them of their workplace rights

3. Work with regions, service groups, and NEC to develop a yearly campaign dedicated to recruitment and engagement with Apprentices.

4. Work with relevant service groups to identify how many employers have signed onto UNISON’s Apprenticeship Charter and Encourage more employers to sign up

5. Work with UNISON College to promote UNISON Mentoring for apprentices training across every region in order to engage with apprentices more effectively.

6. Work with branches to survey apprentices on how best to engage with them, as well as any issues that they are currently experiencing for more targeted support.