Equity for all disabled members; tackling inconsistent and inequitable approaches to disability leave across public sector employers

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2024 National Disabled Members' Conference
3 July 2024

Conference notes that, for many UNISON disabled members, barriers still exist in the workplace, making it as difficult as ever to sustain their employment. In spite of legislation in the form of the Equality Act and Public Sector Equality Duty, and despite the pioneering efforts of the 30+ signatory bodies to the first Disability Employment Charter, the lived experience in the workplace continues to be one of battling for the right to reasonable adjustments, dicing with the almost constant threat of formal sickness action, being forced through medical redeployment and ultimately, for some, losing their employment, because they are disabled.

Conference also notes that somehow, this is not the experience of all disabled members, and that some employers have put in place supportive policies and disabled members consistently benefit from a much more inclusive work environment as a result.

The differences in approach can be damaging to the working relationship, and difficult to understand for disabled members and their union representatives.

Conference wants to try to close the gap, where possible, between the employers leading the way, and those apparently falling behind, and look to build foundations on which more and more of our members can expect consistently positive and inclusive experiences with their employer, when dealing with matters arising from their disability.

Conference calls upon the National Disabled Members’ Committee to work with branches and regions to:

1)Identify and share good practice from employers, where policies are in place and are consistently delivering tangible support to disabled members.

2)Explore how many employers have specific disability leave or disability-related special leave policies, and identify how these are implemented in reality for our members, for example through a survey to disabled members.

3)Share knowledge, skills and resources with our networks of shop stewards, reps and branch officers, some of whom may not have any lived experience of being a disabled worker, to upskill them and equip them for negotiating for disabled members, including promotion of the existing materials on the UNISON website, which stewards may not know about.

4)Promote the take up of the Disability Employment Charter by encouraging Branch Disabled Members’ Officers and Equalities Officers to negotiate with employers in their branches.

5)Increase the opportunities for stewards to access specific training on representing disabled members and bargaining for disabled members, for example, training with Thompsons Solicitors on disability discrimination.