Young Black members and mental health

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2024 National Black Members' Conference
16 September 2023
Carried as Amended

The National Health Service (NHS) reported that 3.25 million individuals had contact with mental health services during 2021/22 which is approximately 5.8 percent of the population. The Mental Health Foundation tells us that 50% of mental health problems are established by age 14 and 75% by age 24, yet many young people have not had appropriate interventions.

It is commonly known that mental health difficulties are higher for many Black communities. Black communities experience complex factors that adversely affect their mental health including social and economic inequalities, racism and discrimination, mental health stigma, and difficulties accessing appropriate support and interventions. This has also led to an increase in suicide and suicide attempts.

The current cost of living crisis has highlighted the disproportionate representation of young Black Workers in insecure and low paid employment.

In addition to this, it is likely that rates of depression and anxiety are rising and poor mental health has an impact on many of our young Black members.

We therefore call on the National Black Members Committee to work with the Young Members Forum to:

1. Signpost young Black workers to current support and mental health services that are available.

2. Highlight constructive steps employers can take to support staff with mental health issues.

3. Campaign against the stigma surrounding mental health and highlight this in Black Action in 2024.