- Conference
- 2022 Police & Justice Service Group Conference
- Date
- 30 June 2022
- Decision
- Carried
Conference many of you will be aware that even today many organisations are comfortably functioning in an environment that not only contributes to, but condones racism. In the Probation Service commendable work had been done which revealed that people of colour had experienced racism and the Service had developed a strategy they agreed to immediately implement. Despite a questionable report which stated that there was no institutional racism within the Probation Service, they admitted that the service needed to make significant changes to institute a working environment which reflected equality.
It has been identified that some attention has been given to develop staff to better engage people on probation but the work promised to create a more equal environment for staff has been minimal and unsatisfactory. Therefore the question is posed Why are we still waiting? When a public service openly recognises that there is a problem that enslaves the identity of its staff and chooses not to give the humane attention to effectively implement its promise to address this issue then action must be taken. Have we learned nothing from the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry, the Macpherson Report and more recently the issues raised by the Lammy Review.
If it’s a much bigger problem than they first thought, then let’s talk about it.
If there is not enough resources, then let’s see how we can collaboratively get enough
If it a lack of understanding of how to implement change, then let’s talk to those who have done it already
If it is a fear of openly addressing racism, then do us the justice of knowing that people of colour have survived continued oppression for centuries so have confidence in our ability to manage this much needed change.
Conference calls on the SGE and the Sector Committee to:
1)Work with Probation Service management to revisit its action plan and begin to implement events every month to develop staff and promote equality within the work place;
2)Work with the Probation Service to openly share with staff the changes they are making to progress this area of concern and to enable this forum to be a safe place to challenge the steps with the aim of collaborative progression;
3)Work with the Probation Service to give immediate attention to its staffing structure at all levels so that it fairly reflects a diverse working environment, supports, provides opportunities for personal career progression for minority staff and therefore is more representative of the community we serve.