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2022 National Delegate Conference
21 February 2022
Carried as Amended

Conference notes:

1)That the workplace can be a very difficult situation for our members when they face disciplinary action and it can have an adverse impact on their physical and mental health and well-being. This can impact on them having unrealistic expectations as to what UNISON reps can do to resolve their workplace issues;

2)The representation provided by UNISON activists who deal with these distressed members do it to the best of their abilities, within the union guidelines and within the constraints of UK employment law. Despite this sometimes our members are dissatisfied with their representative;

3)UNISON rightly has a complaints procedure that allows members to submit a complaint if they believe they have not been treated correctly or received the appropriate representation.

Linked to this there is a requirement that UNISON members and activists themselves act appropriately and should treat all with dignity and respect the rule I procedure within the rule book deals with alleged misconduct of UNISON members.

Both these procedures are vital for an organisation that takes misconduct seriously and ensures that there are fair impartial and transparent procedures to deal effectively with complaints or alleged misconduct of unison members and activists

For any UNISON member or activist who is the subject of such a complaint, it can be a really difficult and stressful time. It is however important to acknowledge the stress often involved for those UNISON members who submit such complaints especially is they are alleging that they have been bullied or harassed.

Conference therefore resolves to:

a)Instruct the National Executive Council to ensure that all complaints are dealt with quickly and timescales of the complaint procedure is adhered to;

b)Instruct the National Executive Council to make a statement that any Rule I hearings will be dealt with in a timely manner and heard by a panel that is independent and has no conflict of interest;

c)Instruct the National Executive Council to ensure that every National Executive Council member has undertaken mandatory complaints training.