- Conference
- 2021 Police and Justice Conference
- Date
- 24 June 2021
- Decision
- Carried
Conference notes that recruitment of young members continues to increase year on year, including in the police and justice sector, with over 27,000 new young members joining UNISON in 2020.
Conference notes that young members continue, however, to be under-represented as UNISON stewards, representatives and officers.
Conference believes that the full participation of young members is vital to the success of the union in developing a sustainable activist base for the future and making sure that the voices of young workers are heard.
Conference asks the Police and Justice Service Group Executive to:
1)Work with the National Young Members Forum (NYMF) to develop a strategy to increase the numbers of young activists across the police and justice sector.
2)Promote the NYMF’s report “Getting Active in UNISON” to police and justice branches who want to develop a plan to increase activity by young members.
3)Survey branches across the sector to identify both challenges and success stories in developing young activists.
4)Encourage and support police and justice branches to develop mentoring and buddying schemes to support new young activists, including promoting UNISON’s Learning and Organising Service’s (LAOS) resources on mentoring.