- Conference
- 2021 Virtual Special Energy Service Group Conference
- Date
- 13 April 2021
- Decision
- Carried
This special energy conference notes that in November in Glasgow the previously delayed (due to Covid restrictions) COP 26 will take place. This will bring together nations from across the world to report on progress made since the COP 21 Paris Agreement was reached in 2015.
This conference also notes that since 2015 the UK Government has legislated and is now committed to achieving Net Zero by 2050 but it has not done enough to tackle the difficult areas that need addressing if we are to hit this target.
In the meantime, the UNISON energy service group has led the way in promoting practical ways to bring about net zero 2050. More than any other union, we have within the UNISON Energy service group promoted measures that retain and promote our members jobs in the energy sector but at the same time drive the changes necessary to decarbonise energy and ensure the benefits are shared as widely as possible and importantly are deliverable.
The Energy service group has;
1) Promoted the benefits of a mass domestic energy efficiency to bring UK homes up to an EPC C or above rating and in doing so reduce domestic emissions and eradicate fuel poverty.
2) We have pushed the development of Hydrogen technology which has massive potential and would allow the transition from methane gas to clean gas to take place while at the same time delivering the solution to zero carbon heat and retaining and developing the skills of gas workers.
3) Led the way in calling for public ownership of energy retail, as a means to bringing energy consumers on board with the drive to achieving net zero and ensuring popular public support is in place and any adaptions in the home are organised effectively.
4) Sought to promote the importance of Women in the Energy system and to promote more opportunities for them to progress and benefit from future investment and play a leading role in the drive to Net Zero.
As we face the future, the goal of achieving net zero looks further away and without doubt each year that passes the task get harder. This will lead to more uncertainty for our energy members, more lost opportunities, more lost energy jobs and it denies them the opportunity to play a major role in tackling climate change and leading the response to net zero.
Conference, therefore calls on the Energy SGE to;
A. Continue to promote the work that the service group has led on and ensure that all key stakeholders are aware of the positive measures we have proposed. This should also include engaging with the COP 26 in Glasgow and working within UNISON to inform other SGE and wider membership of our work.
B. Ensure that UNISON energy members jobs are put at the forefront of any debate around Net Zero and that we deliver a just transition for all not just a few.
C. Promote the notion of public ownership within the energy retail and supply space and use the levers this would bring to win the heart and minds of all consumers in the UK, deliver Net Zero in people�s homes and improve the working terms and conditions for energy members.
D. Promote and support the continued development of the Hydrogen solution for domestic heat and industrial processes. A solution that supports our members in the gas industry to move to a clean gas future by 2050.
E. Campaign to ensure the move to net zero does not increase the burden on the lowest income householders and eradicated fuel poverty.
F. Continue to promote the role of women in the energy system and drive greater understanding that to achieve Net Zero will require the talents and skills of all workers and so it is essential that more is done to make the energy industry and attractive place to work and develop.
G. Help and support the need to develop a broader understanding of how Net Zero will impact on the provision of public services in the UK and contribute to future work streams building on the experience and knowledge of our energy membership.