- Conference
- 2021 Virtual Special Energy Service Group Conference
- Date
- 13 April 2021
- Decision
- Carried
Prior to the pandemic there seemed to be practices within Energy employers where managers suggested that jobs such as back-office work and call centre work couldn�t be done from home due to technological limitations. People�s physical and mental difficulties can mean their conditions make it hard for people to get to and from offices. This limits their ability to access the job market creating inequality for disabled workers. The pandemic has proven that employers can facilitate quick turnaround for staff to be accommodated to work from home. This has demonstrated that home working is available for anybody following negotiations with the employers.
Post pandemic we want employers to be more flexible and consider offering home working to people as an opportunity, widening the access for everybody in the job market irrespective of abilities. We want to support our branches negotiating wider access for staff to work from home particularly for our members with disabilities.
Conference calls on the Energy Service Group Executive to:
1. Map how many disabled members the large Energy employers have been working from home;
2. Provide this information to branches to facilitate their negotiations with employers;
3. Gather best practice Working from Home policies and share these with branches.
4. Provide a How to Guide to negotiate working from home policies or enhance current policies.