Women Supporting Women: Feminist Leadership

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2020 National Women's Conference
23 October 2019
Carried as Amended

We embrace the increasing number of women in leadership roles within society and we hope to see this trend continue, given that men are still disproportionately represented in senior decision making roles. However, there are sadly many examples, including our women Prime Ministers to date, of women failing to advance the equality of women when in leadership roles. We believe it is vital that we encourage and promote feminist leadership in order to achieve gender equality.As a union of 80% women, we consider it to be important that the style of leadership that is encouraged is reflective of feminist qualities. We consider some examples of the characteristics of feminist leadership to include: ;Being supportive and lifting up other women; ;Recognising that leadership is about creating more leaders through mentoring;;Making power democratic and accountable; ;Consciously taking steps to build diverse and inclusive spaces; ;Showing respect and support for everyone;;Flexibility; ;Being mindful of use of language;;Encouraging flexible practices that allow others control over own lives and a sense of balance;;Recognising and valuing the unique contribution, expertise, skills and experience of each team member;;Actively listening and encouraging other to work in areas of interest and passion;;Giving recognition and credit for work. Not pulling up the ladder. Making decisions with a long term perspective;;Giving praise and appreciation; ;Being collaborative; ;Building community and forming positive relationships; ;Encouraging and practicing the sharing of knowledge and skills rather than competing for glory and control;;Embracing that all of us can both teach and learn;;Challenging ourselves and the people we work alongside to trust one another, support one another, and grow with one another.We ask the national women�s committee to:1)Work with LAOS to provide a feminist leadership training activity which can be made available to regions and branches. 2)Encourage the practice of feminist leadership by members and activists at all levels of our union.