Developing Organising Resources in Branches and Regions

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2019 National Delegate Conference
18 February 2019

Conference recognises the major organising challenges facing branches and regions. Austerity, the continuing fragmentation of public service delivery as well as the loss of experienced activists through cutbacks, amongst other things, have contributed towards making the job of a UNISON activist ever more difficult.

Conference believes that to meet these challenges, the union needs to promote improved cooperation between branches and between regions to ensure that UNISON is more visible to the members and non members.

Conference congratulates those branches and regions that have pioneered initiatives to foster closer working and to increase the visibility of the union through resource centres, shop fronts, organising centres and mobile units.

Conference calls on the National Executive Council to:

1)Continue to support branch and regional initiatives to develop resource centres, shop fronts, organising centres, mobile units and similar initiatives;

2)Work with branches and regions to promote and develop more of such initiatives;

3)Consult with branches and regions on setting clear targets for the development of these initiatives on the basis of what will work best in each locality;

4)Continue to ensure that support is provided from the centre for the development and ongoing work of these initiatives;

5)Share best practice from regions and branches.