- Conference
- 2019 National LGBT+ Conference
- Date
- 22 October 2019
- Decision
- Carried
Conference is appalled by the trans exclusionary radical feminist protestors from Lancaster Resisters who decided to march at the front of the Manchester Pride parade in August this year. Reports suggest that they covered about half of the parade route before exiting the parade after engagement by Police and Pride Officials.
Following the event, a number of media outlets published articles about the incursion, including pictures of the protestors and their banners, giving further publicity to the protest. Manchester Pride released a press statement about the event three days later.
The attendance at other Prides including Pride in London last year and Lancaster Pride this year is an indication that the hateful actions of such groups will continue to be propagated at Pride and other Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender plus (LGBT+) events across the country.
Whilst we are pleased that a number of people booed them whilst they made their way around the Manchester Pride parade route, many more will not have known or understood who they were or what they stood for.
Conference therefore calls on the National LGBT+ Committee to
1) Continue to educate about and campaign against the actions of these trans exclusionary radical feminist groups, including through social media and media articles
2. Produce a model statement about what these groups stand for and why they are not welcome at LGBT+ events
3. Encourage branches and regions to engage with local Pride events with a view to getting them to adopt the statement and develop a strategy about how they respond if those groups attend Pride