Bi Young Members

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2019 National LGBT+ Conference
25 July 2019

In UNISON’s year of the young worker, conference notes that our recent name change to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender plus (LGBT+) is a progressive step towards further inclusion. It was our young members who suggested the name change and this was whole heartedly supported by the work of our National LGBT+ committee.

Our young members informed this conference that they use many different ways to express their sexual orientation whilst identifying under UNISON’s umbrella definition of bi.

Our young members also informed us that they use many different ways to express their gender identity. This naturally impacts on terms used for sexual orientation.

Now that our self-organised group has adopted the plus, more than ever, we have a responsibility to reach out to our young members, to demonstrate that we embrace them.

This conference also notes that at National Delegates Conference 2019, there was a rule change giving young members their own policy making conference. This provides a great opportunity to grow our union by demonstrating our investment in young people.

Our union truly is inclusive.

However, we need to ensure our young members or potential young members know this.

This conference therefore calls upon the National LGBT+ Committee to;

1)Liaise with the National Young Members Forum to explore how we can best support each other in growing our union.

2)Offer to work collaboratively with the National Young Members Forum to develop literature specifically aimed at young bi members.

3)Take a lead in demonstrating to Branches and Regions the importance of engaging with our young bi members.