Racism is real

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2019 National Black Members' Conference
3 January 2019

Conference in the climate of the rise of the far right, Brexit and the real impact of racism in our society we know that racism is real.

UNISON’s previous objectives included the statement ‘including Racism’, but at the 6th December 2018 NEC meeting the NEC approved the 2019 objectives with this wording removed.

Conference, the National Black Members Committee is alarmed at the removal and wants answers regarding how this decision was reached

A clear timeline is below:

1)The UNISON circular on the proposed objectives were sent out on 28th September 2018

2)The wording ‘including Racism’ remained in the draft and no other points were raised by the National Black Members Committee.

3)The draft had not been re-circulated to the National Black Members Committee prior to the NEC meeting taking place on 6th December 2018 and therefore there was no need to be concerned.

The conscious decision taken to remove the ‘including Racism’ in the objectives for 2019 will make it harder for UNISON and its Black members to raise the issue of and challenge Racism in the workplace and in society.

This conference calls on the National Black Members Committee to:

a)Demand the reinstatement of the wording ‘including Racism’ with immediate effect following the national Black members conferences into the UNISON Objectives for 2019.

b)Seek a written outline of the process for final consultation and why this was not provided before the NEC meeting on 6th December to enable further representation to be made by the NEC Black Seat representatives on behalf of the NBMC.

c)Clarify how the decision was made to remove the wording ‘including Racism’ from the UNISON Objectives for 2019 and why?