Sexist expectations about young women workers

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2018 National Women's Conference
27 September 2017

This Conference believes that sexism in the workplace is still prevalent, despite being challenged by women organising against it predominantly through collective action.

This Conference also believes that young women face double-discrimination through sexism and discrimination against them on grounds of age.

This is manifested through bullying, harassment – and sexual harassment in particular. It is also manifested through young women not being recognised as making important contributions by virtue of the work they do, and by being viewed as ‘junior’ and/or fitting a sexist stereotype that accords them a status whereby they are unfairly allocated such activities as tea-making, etc.

This Conference agrees that it is vital that young women in the workplace are respected and valued as co-workers, and that campaigning on this issue must be stepped-up, and allies sought within and beyond the trade union movement to have the necessary impact.

This Conference calls on the National Women’s Committee to:

(i) survey young women members about their experience of this situation at work, to help get data to support campaigning on the issue and possibly elicit case studies;

(ii) seek to consult with the National Young Members Forum on developing a campaign that shows UNISON takes this issue seriously and will work to support young women members experiencing this treatment;

(iii) seek out positive policies and practices of employers in this area that can be shared and placed on negotiating agendas;

(iii) seek to raise the issue through our representatives on the TUC Women’s Committee and through Labour Link.