Racism within the Bi community

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2018 National LGBT Conference
27 July 2018
Carried as Amended

We in the bi caucus have become aware of racism within our own bi community spaces. Stonewall have released research which shows the scale of racism that exists within the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in Britain. Just over half of all Black, Asian and minority ethnic LGBT people (51%) report experiencing discrimination or poor treatment within their local LGBT network because of their ethnicity. This number rises to three in five Black LGBT people (61%).

When we look at Bi community spaces / events, both local and national, there tends to be a social disconnect between the reality that is being portrayed publicly and what is happening privately. Black people are not feeling safe within the so-called safe spaces and as a consequence are not attending these events / spaces and this contributes to the erasure of Black bi people within our community.

This is something that needs to be addressed, both within our union and at events that UNISON attends and has a presence at. We have a duty to call out racism when we see it and take a stand at such events.

Conference calls on the National LGBT Committee to:

1)consult with the Black LGBT members caucus to gain an understanding of the issues that Black bi people face when in bi community spaces

2)Work with National Black LGBT members caucus to produce guidance on how to deal with both direct and indirect racism

3)Work with National Black Members’ committee to produce guidance on how to be an ally and calling out racism when you see it