Higher Education Service Group Executive Accountability

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2018 Higher Education Service Group Conference
21 September 2017

Conference welcomes the motion “Member-led Democracy” passed (as amended) at last year’s conference, which committed the Higher Education Service Group Executive (HESGE) to publish information about votes on significant issues.

Conference also recognises the contribution made by HESGE members who, alongside all elected lay reps, consistently give their time to further the interests of all our members on a voluntary basis.

Conference notes that when motions are passed which commit the HESGE to perform a particular task, it is in the interests of all our members that this is done as quickly as possible and within the spirit of the motion.

Conference should expect that in the interests of democratic accountability, delegates are aware of who is taking a particular task forward, the timescale involved and the expected outcome.

Conference also notes that despite its limitations, it is technically possible for a determined user to find conference motions which have been passed on the national website. Taking this service a stage further would allow users to track the progress of those decisions. Many branches use a similar methodology to ensure that decisions taken are effectively followed through.

Conference therefore calls on the Service Group Executive to:

Publish regular reports designed for all activists on how conference decisions are being applied as soon as practicable, with a timescale of anticipated completion, where appropriate.