Violence at work and sick pay

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2017 Community Service Group Conference
10 November 2016

Conference believes it is fundamentally wrong that some workers in the charity sector, and other sectors covered by the Community Service Group, who are exposed to violent situations in the course of their work, sustaining injuries are then suffering doubly because their employer fail to pay sick pay, or pay inadequate statutory sick pay.

The most recent UNISON survey of Community members shows that almost half had experienced an incident of violence or aggression at work in the last two years. The types of aggression were described as physical abuse (24%), verbal threats (19%),and verbal abuse (58%).

Conference believes that Community employers should focus on two areas. Firstly, they should be taking all steps necessary to reduce the number of violent incidents that their staff are exposed to. Secondly, no employee who becomes victim of violence in the course of their work should suffer financial detriment as a result.

Conference calls on the Community Service Group Executive to:

1) Campaign within the sector to ensure that attendance management is used as a supportive tool, not a punitive measure.

2) Campaign to make it a fundamental principle that no employee in the Community Sector should suffer a financial detriment as a result of injuries they have received in the course of their work.

3) To include as part of this campaign, work with stakeholders within the sector, including communications with UNISON negotiators and umbrella organisations representing employers to raise this issue up their agenda.