Flexible working – negative impact on women’s hours & caring responsibilities.

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2016 National Women's Conference
13 October 2015
Carried as Amended

There is a definite lack of awareness within the workplace of Employer’s Policy and Procedures with regard to Flexible working.

Under provisions set out in the “Children and Families Act 2014”, women have a statutory right to ask their employers for a change to their contractual terms and conditions of employment to work flexibly providing they have worked for their employer for 26 weeks continuously at the date the application is made.

Flexible working is a way for women workers to change their working hours to suit their needs. For example having the flexibility to change their start and finishing times, compress their weekly hours/ days or even work from home.

This gives women the ability to fit their work life around home life giving greater say over their work life balance.

Even though we have made amazing strides in equality over the years, yet still to this day women take the lion share of caring responsibilities for both children and elderly relatives.

Women continue to find it increasingly challenging balancing both caring responsibilities and work, putting them under immense stress and strain.

Even though these policies and procedures exist women find it difficult either requesting this or getting a good outcome due to the lack of knowing their rights or because they are concerned about repercussions within the work place.

It is a vital requirement that all women should be aware of their rights both on requesting flexible working and achieving a satisfactory outcome.

Conference calls on the National Women’s Committee to campaign to raise awareness on women’s rights to flexible working so that women members can be aided to achieve a happy work life balance and take the guilt out of being a mother, daughter or carer.