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2016 National Disabled Members' Conference
8 July 2016
Carried as Amended

This conference believes that many Disabled LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender) people are unaware of their rights with regards to accessing suitable housing.

This conference notes that the current governments attack on Housing Benefit for young people disproportionately affects young disabled LGBT people, forcing them into unsuitable accommodation.

The Albert Kennedy Trust reported in 2015 that 84% of LGBT organisations stated experience of young LGBT service users disclosing that risk of homelessness or living in a hostile environment as major concern.

Not being able to disclose their sexuality or gender identity can impact on the mental health of a group already affected by disproportionate levels of suicide.

Conference calls on the National Disabled Members Committee to:

1. promote information to raise awareness on the issues faced by Disabled LGBT people with regard to housing and homelessness

2. publicise guidance on housing rights for Disabled LGBT people

3. signpost members to agencies working in this field.

4. work with regional disabled committees and the national LGBT committee to identify examples of good practice and areas where there are service gaps to assist in evidence gathering for campaigning opportunities

5. campaign to repeal the Right to Buy legislation in England and Wales as has already been achieved in Scotland.

6. report back to 2017 conference