Local Government Supporting Joint Working in Education

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2015 Local Government Service Group Conference
19 February 2015

College members are increasingly connected to fellow education workers in schools, academies, university technical colleges and other provision nearly all of which are in local government branches; many careers professionals are based in schools and colleges. Colleges are sponsoring academies and developing shared services that cut across traditional institutional boundaries. The National Further Education and 6th Form Colleges committee believes that closer working between members is vital to improving recruitment, organisation and representation of education members, who have many common interests.

Education convenors in some local government branches already facilitate meetings of stewards from different education sectors, but this is not a universal practice. The service group at regional level takes into account the interests of education members in various ways but there is no model of practice and opportunities to collectivise are patchy. There are national committees for schools, colleges and careers, but only occasional joint activity.

The Service Group Executive is asked to review how the service group functions at all levels in the interest of members working in education services. Specifically, it is called upon to:-

1)Survey regions on the action taken to facilitate connection between education members;

2)Survey local government branches to identify the activity of education convenors and examples of good practice;

3)Produce a report on the findings from the above;

4)Develop an action plan in response to the findings;

5)Present to Local Government Service Group Conference 2016.