Supporting Black Members with learning difficulties

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2015 National Disabled Members' Conference
2 July 2015
Carried as Amended

Conference recognises the work that has been done at all levels of UNISON to encourage and meet the access needs of Black disabled members that are actively involved at all levels of UNISON.

Conference notes the disproportionate numbers of Black people with learning and physical disabilities. Conference further notes the commitment of the union in ensuring disabled members are enabled to fully participate in all of the work of the union.

Conference, to enable Black Disabled Members to be active in UNISON, it is proposed that the NDMC:

1)Work with the NEC, the National Black Members Committee, Regions and Branches to make available literature in ‘Easy Read’ format (picture and recognisable symbols) to convey information.

This would further endorse UNISON’s existing policies of equality and diversity in relation to Black Disabled Members within its membership. This could eventually lead to a Black Disabled person with a learning disability representing UNISON at a presidential level.