- Conference
- 2014 Police & Justice Conference
- Date
- 26 June 2014
- Decision
- Carried as Amended
South Wales Police and Justice branch demands that conference take forward and Unison encourages all branches with a determined campaign to ensure that even in times of cuts and austerity that it is possible to bring all Police services and staff back in house.
On July 1st this year 100 staff who were previously employed by G4S on an outsourced contract working in our custody units across the force became employed directly by South Wales Police ending this outsourcing.
We want to encourage Unison nationally and other branches to work with your Police & Crime Commissioners and Chief Constables and request that when all outsourced contracts come up for renewal that the cost of insourcing is explored first as this can prove beneficial and even more cost effective on occasions. Police Forces having the added benefit of staff being directly employed by them and subject to their standards, policies and procedures and having to adhere to and meet any targets that the force sets. This is not the case when services are outsourced.
We call on all Police and Justice Branches to scrutinise all costs of outsourcing including all hidden cost and the actual cost the outsourcing has cost the force not the quoted cost when the outsourcing occurred and use this as an argument to Insource all,outsourced contracts.
Together lets undo the wrong encouraged by this government and bring all our Police services back in force and make the Police Service Public again .