Mental Health in Children and Young People

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2014 Local Government Service Group Conference
21 February 2014

Mental health problems affect about one in ten children and young people. Mental illness come in may forms including depression, anxiety and conduct disorder, and are often a direct response to what is happening in their lives at home and at school, college or university. It can lead to self harm and suicide – particularly if issues such as bullying are ignored and educational establishments don’t have the proper procedures and support networks in place for our younger people. All too often the stigma surrounding mental health difficulties is likely to mean that students will feel anxious about disclosing a prior mental health issues.

Conference calls on the Local Government Committee to work with UNISON structures in a campaign to raise awareness of these issues, particularly the need for educational establishments:

1)To develop a clear and consistent approach to student mental health and well being.

2)To have clear policies in place to tackle related issues such as bullying.

3)To foster a climate where students will feel confident in discussing mental health issues.

4)To ensure that everyone who works in our schools have some basic awareness and training in mental health issues.