- Conference
- 2014 Local Government Service Group Conference
- Date
- 14 February 2014
- Decision
- Carried as Amended
Conference deplores the continuing cuts to local government resulting in mass redundancies and cuts to all Council Services. No Council Service is safe from the threats of cuts in funding.
The workforce faces mass redundancies, and for those who retain a job within the employer there is an onslaught of attacks on terms and conditions.
Conference notes the vigorous campaigns that many Branches have had in challenging these financial decisions.
Conference calls on the Service Group Executive to continue to:
1)Defend members’ jobs and terms and conditions including where appropriate through industrial action within UNISON’s rules and procedures.
2)Provide guidance and support to Local Government Branches and Regional Campaigns on Fighting the Cuts in Local Government.
3)Build an inclusive campaign to support our call for an alternative to the current austerity measures within Local Government.