- Conference
- 2013 Police & Justice Conference
- Date
- 11 June 2013
- Decision
- Carried
This conference welcomes growing awareness of prejudice and discrimination against transgender workers. However, this is still an equality area that is relatively unknown and there is much work to be done within our police and justice service group.
Conference notes that a number of police and justice branches are currently dealing with transphobic discrimination against our members, including bullying by line managers and promotions being blocked.
Conference is concerned that many police and justice employers do not have specific policies on tackling transphobia or policies or procedures on transitioning in the workplace.
This is despite the fact that research shows the continuing high levels of discrimination faced by trans workers, one of the groups most discriminated against in our society.
Conference notes that UNISON is well-placed to take up transgender equality issues, with its flourishing network of transgender members within the national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) self-organised group.
Conference notes the UNISON bargaining advice available to police and justice branches and UNISON’s guide for union reps supporting trans members.
Conference also notes the resources available in the National Trans Police Association, which covers police staff, and Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals and Transgendered Individuals in Probation and Family Courts (LAGIP), the LGBT group for people who work in probation and family courts.
Conference urges the police and justice service group executive, working with the national LGBT committee and its trans members network, to:
1)Raise awareness of the importance of addressing transgender equality in police and justice workplaces
2)Share experiences and examples of good policies and practice from police and justice branches within the service group
3)Encourage regional police and justice service group committees to invite speakers and organise training on trans equality
4)Publicise and promote UNISON’s bargaining advice on transgender workers’ equality
5)Urge all police and justice branches to raise trans equality in collective bargaining, seeking to secure agreements on tackling transphobic discrimination and on transitioning at work.