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2012 National Women's Conference
4 October 2011
Carried as Amended

This Conference is appalled by the attacks on our pension schemes and that women – young women in particular – will be disproportionately disadvantaged.

This Conference is alarmed that low-take up, or withdrawal from the schemes, by members will be damaging to the schemes and may in the long-term make them unviable.

This Conference believes that women have a key role in defending our pensions, including explaining to others the importance of:

1)Joining and staying in occupational pensions schemes to ensure that members have some small measure of dignity and independence in retirement;

2)The part decent pensions play in reducing the call on state benefits, welfare and health services;

3)The investments made by pension schemes to support industry and create jobs with good terms and conditions which at least meet the minimum wage.

This Conference calls on the National Women’s Committee to do its utmost to:

a)Ensure these messages are communicated to all women members

b)Work with regional women’s groups to ensure this issue remains a priority in women’s self-organisation, and is promoted in the union’s other structures;

c)Examine ways of campaigning to move beyond pensions to make the case for improving the value of belonging to a pension scheme.