Fit Notes

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2012 National Disabled Members' Conference
6 July 2012
Carried as Amended

Conference the fit note replaced the sick note system on the 6th April 2010 and yet people still refer to it as a sick note. The fit note system states that if an individual wishes to return to work before the date specified on the fit note they can do so without seeing their doctor. Fear is being instilled into disabled people that they should return to work and they are being threatened with new capability policies that don’t even consider disabled peoples issues.

This Condemn Government is cutting so many services, especially in the NHS and there is no way lots of us can get the relevant information about what is right or wrong on decisions in the return to work protocol. There are so many policies and understandings about the way a fit note should be interpreted

This conference asks National Disabled Members Committee to:

1. Seek help from the NEC to ask all branches within UNISON to collect information on their sickness absence policies; and

2. Issue guidance on the use of fit notes that will help prevent disabled people being frightened back to work too early before recovery.