Future structure of the Police and Justice Service Group

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2011 Police and Justice Service Group Conference
1 June 2011
Carried as Amended

This Service Group Conference notes the Service Group Executive consultation exercise on the substantive structure of the new Police and Justice Service Group held between February and April 2011.

Further to this consultation, Conference agrees the following substantive structures for the Police and Justice Service Group:

Police and Justice Service Group Constitution

1 Regional Structures

1.1 UNISON Rule D 3.6.1 applies within the Police and Justice Service Group. Rule D 3.6.1 states that:

“Except where the Service Group is organised on a non-regional basis, or where the Service Group’s Executive decides otherwise, there shall be in each Region of the Union be a Service Group Regional Committee, elected in accordance with a scheme of representation adopted by the Service Group Executive.”

1.2 In light of this decision:

• Each UNISON region/devolved nation will have a Regional Police and Justice Service Group Committee (except in Northern Ireland where UNISON does not organise Police and Justice members and London where UNISON does not organise police staff members).

• This body will need to come together as required to nominate regional representatives to the Police and Justice Service Group Conference and to submit motions to the conference and to comply with any additional rule book requirements.

• Each region will need to ensure that separate meetings of the Regional Service Group sectors can be facilitated as required if there are issues that need to be discussed and, in particular, to ensure there can be indirect elections to the two national sector committees.

• Regions should determine a method for representation from branches that meet proportionality and fairness requirements.

• In effect, provided the above recommendations can be implemented; regions can determine their own structures. It is unlikely that a region will need to replicate the national structure by having a standing regional Police and Justice Service Group Committee and two sector committees. It is more likely that regions will follow one of the following options: set up a regional Police and Justice Service Group Committee which can split into sectors as required or two sectors which can meet jointly to form the regional Police and Justice Service Group Committee as required.

• Regions will provide the Police and Justice SGE with the constitution of Regional Service Group Committees, and any subsequent amendments for ratification.

2 Police & Justice Service Group Executive (SGE)

2.1 The role of the SGE should be to:

• Agree the priorities and objectives of the whole Service Group (including its committees)

• Approve the Group’s (and its committees) work programmes

• Approve the Group’s budget bid and monitor expenditure

• Monitor activities of the Group to ensure that work programmes are being carried out and conference decisions actioned

• Take a strategic overview of the group’s activities

• Monitor fair representation and proportionality with regard to national committees and service group conference

• Liaise with national self-organised groups

• Support branch development as appropriate

• Seek to resolve policy conflicts within the Group

• Agree group policy on relevant issues

• Provide advice, guidance and support to regions and branches.

2.2 The composition of the SGE will be:

Police Staff

20 seats – directly elected by police staff members on a regional basis – 1 general and 1 female seat per region

Probation 5 seats – directly elected by probation members on a national basis – 2 general and 3 female seats

CAFCASS 2 seats – directly elected by CAFCASS members on a national basis – 1 general and 1 female seat

Police and Justice NEC representatives 2 seats directly elected on a national basis – 1 general and 1 female seat

Total 29 seats

NB: “Directly elected” means members are elected by a ballot of all members. “Indirectly elected” means members are elected to a national committee by a regional committee.

2.3 Where national sector committee chairs are not directly elected onto the SGE, they become additional members of the SGE.

2.4 Representatives of the SGE should meet with National Self-Organised Group (SOG) representatives on a formal basis and attend SOG Conferences as a practical way of involving Self-Organised Groups in the work of the Service Group.

3 Sector Committees

3.1 The following National Sector Committees in accordance with Rule D 3.7 will be established, recognising that currently, in accordance with Rule 3.7.3, any sector committee established shall be indirectly elected according to the scheme of representation determined by the Service Group for the sector in question.

• Police Staff (England & Wales) Sector Committee

• Police Staff (Scotland) Sector Committee

• Probation Sector Committee

• CAFCASS Sector Committee

In accordance with Rule D.3.7.1, these sector committees will be established as the basis for policy formulation, collective bargaining and the representation of occupational and professional interests.

3.2 Police Staff Sector Committee (England and Wales)

The Police Staff Sector Committee (England and Wales) will consist of two representatives per region, (1 general seat and 1 female seat). Members will be elected for a 2 year term of office; either:

3.2.1 Indirectly elected by regional police staff sector committees (current arrangements)


3.2.2 Directly by members of the sector in each region. (This option would require a rule change to allow direct elections to National Sector Committees.)

The Chair of the Sector Committee will be elected by the members of the Sector Committee at its first meeting for a 2 year term of office.

The UNISON representatives on the Police Staff Council Trade Union Side will be elected by and from the Police Staff Sector Committee (England and Wales) at its first meeting for a two year term of office.

3.3 National Probation Sector Committee

The National Probation Sector Committee will consist of two representatives per region, with 1 general seat and 1 female seat. Members will be indirectly elected by regional probation sector for a 2 year term of office. The Chair of the Sector Committee will be elected by the members of the Sector Committee at its first meeting for a two year term of office.

The UNISON representatives on the Probation National Negotiating Council will be elected by and from the National Probation Sector Committee at its first meeting for a two year term of office.

3.4 Police Staff Sector Committee (Scotland)

The Police Staff Sector Committee (Scotland) will have 12 members. Each Force area or dedicated police branch will have 1 representative, and the Scottish Police Services Authority Sub Group will have 2 representatives. In addition, the Secretary and Chair of the Regional Service Group will be members.

3.5 CAFCASS National Sector Committee

The CAFCASS Sector Committee will comprise a maximum of 3 representatives from each Area, i.e. 3 from North, Central and South (total of 9 members).

There will be co-opted members from any group not represented such as Family Support Workers, Office Managers, Specialist Service Managers, and Specialist Business Support Staff.

4. Proportionality and Fair Representation

4.1 On the basis of information available, the proposed scheme of representation to the SGE and Sector Committees is reflective of proportionality. The SGE will have an important role in monitoring and ensuring that this is the case.

4.2 Fair representation may prove more difficult in application. The rule book defines fair representation on the broad balance of representation of members of the electorate, taking into account such factors as age and low pay, the balance between part time and full time workers, manual and non-manual workers, different occupations, skills, qualifications, responsibilities, race, sexual orientation, disability and gender identity.

4.3 It is important that all these princ