Campaigning Against the Tory Led Government

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2011 National Delegate Conference
23 February 2011
Carried as Amended

Conference condemns the Tory led Government’s savage and ideological attack on working people and the institutions and services upon which they rely. In addition to the deepest and most sustained cuts to public spending in living memory, we are also witnessing wholesale attempts to dismantle the welfare state and to undermine the concept of collective provision.

The policies being pursued by the Tory led coalition are an absolute disaster for our economy. Areas, such as the North West, that were devastated by the last Conservative government, were regenerated through public sector investment and public service jobs. To embark upon a programme of deep cuts, without any corresponding strategy for growth, is reckless and marks a return to the darkest days of Thatcherism.

Conference further notes that government policies will hit the poorest hardest. Research carried out for UNISON and the TUC has demonstrated that it is the least well off in our communities who rely most on public services. Coupled with the cuts to the services, we are also witnessing cuts to benefits and Conference believes that a policy that prioritises cuts to services and benefits over alternatives, such as progressive taxation, makes a mockery of the Chancellor’s claim that we are all in this together.

Conference notes the devastating impact this Tory led coalition government’s policies has had on our communities, policies, driven by right wing dogma and ideology based on the dismantling of the welfare state and the erosion of the NHS, community accessible schools, local government provision and services, the dismantling of universal state education for all, the impact of the withdrawal of EMA grants and the increase in student tuition fees – all hitting the most vulnerable in our workplaces and communities across the UK. These attacks by a Cabinet representing 0.5% of the UK (multi-millionaires!!) population is having a devastating impact on 95.5% of the population, neither fair or rational as there is an alternative. Tax the banks and collect all the taxes from the tax dodgers here and abroad.

Conference notes the devastating impact this Tory led coalition government’s policies has had on our communities, policies, driven by right wing dogma and ideology based on the dismantling of the welfare state and the erosion of the NHS, community accessible schools, local government provision and services, the dismantling of universal state education for all, the impact of the withdrawal of EMA grants and the increase in student tuition fees – all hitting the most vulnerable in our workplaces and communities across the UK. These attacks by a Cabinet representing 0.5% of the UK (multi-millionaires!!) population is having a devastating impact on 95.5% of the population, neither fair or rational as there is an alternative. Tax the banks and collect all the taxes from the tax dodgers here and abroad.

Conference calls upon the National Executive Council to implement a programme of work that:

1)ensures that our membership and the wider public are aware of the ideological nature of the attacks on public services and the welfare state being pursued by the government and that support is given to local campaigns of opposition;

2)highlight the scale and significance of the attacks on deprived communities in the North West of England where it is clear that areas like Liverpool and Manchester have been treated unfairly in the local government settlements.

3)make the case for alternative policies that promote decent work, quality public services, fairness and equality;

4)the National Executive Council, in conjunction with the TUC to organise a mass demonstration in opposition to the government’s policies on Sunday 2nd October 2011 when the Tory Party Conference is due to be held in Manchester.