- Conference
- 2010 National Delegate Conference
- Date
- 3 June 2010
- Decision
- Carried
Conference condemns the new Labour Government for introducing a “Pay Freeze,” for public sector employees in 2010/11 citing the economic crisis and £billions spent bailing out the banks as the reason why public spending must be brought under control.
UNISON notes that despite majority Treasury ownership, many of the banks are still paying obscene bonuses and that MP’s continue to claim massive expenses.
We would remind the government that two thirds of all public sector employees earn less than £18k per annum and that with inflation running at nearly 3% this year, a, “pay freeze,” is, in fact, a pay cut for millions.
Conference calls upon all public sector employers to resist false calls for, “pay restraint,” and to ensure that pay settlements during the current financial year match or exceed the rate of inflation in order to safeguard public sector employees from the effects of the financial crisis, a crisis that our members should not bear the burden of.
Conference notes:
1)Pay restraint for public sector workers will be a key element of the government’s policy to reduce public spending;
2)Local Government employers are condemning council workers to an effective pay cut in 2010/11;
3)Employers are seeking to undermine national pay bargaining;
4) the developing Living Wage campaign across the UK and commends UNISON branches who have persuaded their employing organisations to become Living Wage Employers.
Conference agrees
a)The campaign for real improvements in pay must continue to be a priority for UNISON, and Conference recognises that the use of industrial action may be the most effective means of winning acceptable improvements in pay
b)The retention and strengthening of national pay bargaining is necessary to meet our members aspirations;
c)To support broadening our bargaining agenda on local government pay to include:
i)A minimum wage for council workers;
ii)Access to affordable childcare;
iii)Developing career pathways;
iv)Investment in workplace learning and development.
d) To promote the Living Wage Campaign including the adoption of contract clauses that takes fair pay into our communities.”
Conference recognises the positive role regions can play in developing and promoting such a bargaining agenda and their role in supporting branches to deliver.