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2009 National Women's Conference
21 October 2008

This conference notes with increasing concern the seeming lack of increased participation and activism of women in a union that is proud to have a million plus women in membership.

In order to establish where we are it is essential that we have accurate and current data; that will give us a baseline on which to build, and from where we can measure future progress.

Therefore, this conference instructs the National Women’s Committee to conduct a national survey of branches which asks for the following data:-

1)Whether the branch has a women’s self organised group

2)Whether the branch has a branch women’s officer

3)How does the branch communicate with their women members to ensure that it is inclusive, accessible and encourages participation as per 11.2.6 of the 2008 Code of Good Branch Practice?

4)How does the branch promote women’s self organisation

5)Is the branch women’s self organised group represented on the branch committee as per UNISON rules on proportionality and fair representation

6)Does the branch women’s self organised group have access to branch funding in order to exist?

7)Does the branch allocate branch funding to a branch women’s group to enable their work plan to be implemented as per 11.2.6 of the 2008 Code of Good Branch Practice

8)Has the branch any negotiated time off for the Branch women’s Officer and involvement with self organised groups.

9)Any other relevant data or information that the national women’s committee feels would be relevant to this exercise.

The National Women’s Committee is further instructed to present a full report of its findings to the 2010 National Women’s Conference, and to bring to that conference any recommendations it deems appropriate to improving women’s activism, in order that we can truly see a million women rising in UNISON.