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2009 National LGBT Conference
30 July 2009

It has come to our attention that some branches are being obstructive in their support for our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) brothers and sisters by claiming the branch can only afford to send one member to conference every second year, based on the fair representation rules, or because of financial hardship.

Conference therefore calls upon the National LGBT Committee to work with the Regional Convenors to:

1.Raise awareness at Regional Councils and at Regional meetings about UNISON’s commitment to self organisation;

2.Remind branches that the National LGBT Conference is an integral part of UNISON’s decision-making structure and they should make every effort to support members’ attendance;

3.Advertise the conference guidance which clearly states that ‘Any branch which might suffer financial difficulties as a result of sending delegates to the Conference may apply in writing to the Finance Officer for additional branch funding’.