Disabled People and Employment

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2009 National Disabled Members' Conference
9 July 2009
Carried as Amended

Conference notes that over the past decade or so the position of disabled people in the employment field has improved.

However, we also note, and it is of major concern, that in spite of various initiatives eg the Disability Discrimination Act and its amendment, the former disability Rights Commission, New Deal for Disabled People etc, statistics still show that the rate of employment amongst disabled people still remained comparatively low when compared to the rate of employment amongst non-disabled people.

Statistics indicate that the rate of employment amongst the non-disabled working population is 74 percent compared to a rate of 47 percent amongst disabled people. Further statistics show that 9 out of every 10 people with learning difficulties are unemployed. The point is, some specific groups of disabled people are almost invisible in the British employment world.

This conference calls on the National Disabled members Committee to work with the National Executive Council to bring to the attention of the relevant Government Minister the continued low employment rate of disabled people in general in spite of the many initiatives that has been taken.