Awareness of non apparent disabilities

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2009 National Disabled Members' Conference
1 July 2009

Conference agrees that both the Disability Discrimination Act and the Public Sector Equality Duty have advanced the cause of reducing discrimination against disabled workers in the workplace. However, not all forms of disability are apparent to any other person except the individual directly affected.

Workers with non apparent disabilities, whether mental health, physical or other particular needs, still confront discrimination at work and often sustain inappropriate comments about their personal situation if others become aware of their condition.

Conference therefore instructs the National Disabled Members’ Committee to commence work that would:

1.Seek information from Employers about their attitude, awareness and general observation of non apparent disabilities.

2.Invite submissions from individual disabled members who may have experienced discrimination because of their non apparent disabilities having regards to confidentiality and anonymity.

3.Try to ensure that Branches are also aware of the sensitivity and requirements of members with non apparent disabilities.

4.Issue information and guidance to Employers and UNISON Branches about recognising the rights of such workers, and to monitor progress.