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2008 National Women's Conference
25 October 2007

The Cymru/Wales Region welcomes the changes to the way in which delegates are nominated to National Women’s Conference based upon the number of women members by branch. This change agreed by the NEC will hopefully allow more women to participate and encourage women activists locally, regionally and nationally.

It is important that this change is carefully monitored to ensure that participation is increased through this measure, as some branches may not nominate delegates and the number of women attending from regions may be reduced. This conference believes that it is vital that the delegates reflect the diversity of our membership and ensure the conference allows participation from all groups of women in UNISON.

This conference believes in the full participation of women in this important decision making forum and calls upon the National Women’s Committee to monitor attendance at this conference by Branch, Region, Ethnic Group, Disability, Sexual Orientation and Low Paid Status. This information should be evaluated against the aims of the change in consultation and any under representation addressed appropriately.