- Conference
- 2008 Retired Members' Conference
- Date
- 24 June 2008
- Decision
- Carried
This Conference believes that the registration of individual retired members and retired member contacts is essential to the running of the National Retired Members Organisation.
Conference, however, notes that there is no mention of the post of Branch Retired Members Section Secretary in the list of Branch Officers set out in both the National Rules and the Code of Good Branch Practice.
Conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to request the National Executive Council to amend paragraph 11.3.1 of the code of Good Branch Practice to include the post of Branch Retired Members Section Secretary (to be elected by the retired members section of the Branch). This should ensure that at both Regional and National levels, the post of Branch Retired Members Section Secretary is recognised and placed on the list of retired member contacts.
The National Retired Members’ Committee is further instructed to request the National Executive Council to submit to the National Delegate Conference 2009 a Rule change to provide for the post of Branch Retired Members Section Secretary in the list of Branch Officers set out in National Rule G4.1.1.