Equalities and Diversity

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2007 Retired Members' Conference
19 June 2007

Conference notes that UNISON is a union committed to promoting equality and valuing diversity, and that these principles underpin all our organisational structure, policies and practice.

These principles are enshrined in our nation rule book. Rule B1 Aims and Objectives, 1.2 and 1.3. Rule B2 Union Democracy, 2.3. They apply to all the union’s structures, including the retired members’ organisation.

Conference accepts that much progress has been made since the inception of UNISON in achieving gender proportionality in our retired members’ organisation, and we are an example of good practice for other unions and pensioners’ organisations.

However, more work needs to be done towards achieving fairer representation in UNISON’s retired members’ structures and encouraging and helping members who have been active in UNISON’s Self Organised Groups to remain active as retired members.

Conference therefore calls on the National Retired Members’ Committee to put forward practical proposals aimed towards achieving fairer representation in UNISON’s retired members’ structures and encouraging and helping members who have been active in UNISON’s Self Organised Groups to remain active as retired members, and to submit a report by early March 2008 for consultation to regions and branches outlining the action we need to take to make UNISON’s retired members’ organisation truly representative of all members.