Destination Unknown

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2007 National LGBT Conference
19 September 2007

Conference believes that there is a clear contradiction between the United Kingdom’s (UK’s) policy aim of universal access to Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatment for all those who need it by 2010 and the deportation of people living with HIV/Aids who are on treatment to countries where treatment is not readily available or affordable. The withdrawal of treatment increases the body’s vulnerability to opportunistic infection and will result in drastically shortened life expectancy.

Conference further believes that there are strong public health arguments for allowing a concession. Those awaiting removal may go underground and fail to keep appointments resulting in an increased risk of opportunistic infection with the need for emergency treatment and an increased risk of onward transmission. The Department of Health has valued the prevention of one single onward transmission as between £0.5 and £1 million in terms of individual health benefits and treatment costs.

Conference welcomes the African HIV Policy Network campaign “Destination Unknown” that highlights the issue. More information can be found at

Conference asks:

1.All members to raise the issue with their MP;

2.The National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Committee to request that Labour Link raises the issue with the Home Office and the UNISON group of MPs;

3.The National LGBT Committee to contact the NEC and National Black Members Committee and explore how the campaign can be further promoted.