Health checks for Black workers and members

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2007 National Black Members' Conference
19 January 2007

Conference notes there is a worrying increase in chronic health needs amongst Black workers across all our workplaces.

Branches could quite easily provide access to health checks e.g. diabetes, blood pressure, sickle cell/thalassaemia and cholesterol levels at branch committee and Annual General Meetings (AGMs) to Black members.

Conference believes this could also be a positive way of recruiting Black workers to become UNISON members.

We continually hear about the need for blood donations needed for our community and how few of us are checking our health regularly.

We are all busily working or active as trade unionists but we also neglect out health and if the health checks could be provided by UNISON branches that would provide a real opportunity to develop a relationship with Black workers and influence them to become members of UNISON.

Conference asks that the National Black Members Committee (NBMC):

1.encourages all Regional Black Members Committees to seek to with their branches to support the provision of health checks for Black members at branch committee meetings and AGM’s; to work with the National Executive Committee (NEC) to get support from all regions to provide access to health checks at Regional Council and Regional Committee meetings; commitment from the NEC to call on branches and regions to explore through the relevant employer negotiating structures a commitment to providing half yearly access to health checks for Black staff in their places of employment.