Job Threats in the Police Services

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Police Staff Service Group Conference 2006
20 November 2006
Carried as Amended

The recent announcements from police forces within England and Wales regarding job losses are a threat to the membership of this union. The continued practice of cutting Police Staff posts to cover budgetary shortfalls is an outrage to our members and the public. The annual practice of threats to our member’s jobs and livelihoods, not only causes them anxiety, but also undermines the confidence of the public in the police service.

Most Branches have reported either job losses or vacancy management in recent months. The funding formula for Police authorities is antiquated and does not provide adequate resources for modern day policing.

These restraints are now also starting to impact upon police officer posts as the ever-decreasing piggy bank that is police staff fails to yield the required cash.

This continuing uncertainty promotes a false economy within the service. Poor moral and increasing workloads, which creates sickness absence, which put further pressure and stress on those who remain who are expected to undertake increased tasks and extended responsibility.

The police service runs on the goodwill of the people who work within it and that goodwill is being stretched out of all proportion. We are seeing similar issues within the NHS and our comrades are near breaking point.

Conference therefore calls on the SGE to:

i)Seek support from ACPO and the APA in lobbying the Home Office to amend its funding formula;

ii)Request and collate information from branches as to the extent of job cuts and vacancy management within forces in England and Wales;

iii)Seek support from ACPO and the APA in lifting capping of council tax precepts with regard to local funding;

iv)Initiate a campaign to support our members within the police service;

v)Engage with the media to inform them of the campaign highlighting the effects on services and jobs;

vi)Seek assistance from the employers that police support staff volunteers will, under no circumstances, be used to cover vacant established posts or to undertake the duties of redundant posts.