Privatisation of Sterile Services Departments

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2005 Health Care Service Group Conference
30 December 2004

Last year’s health conference called for a halt to Department of Health’s (England) National Decontamination Strategy until full consultation had taken place with UNISON and other trade unions.

It is clear that there has been no meaningful consultation and the Government and Department of Health are intent on pressing ahead with a strategy of privatisation of CSSD/SSD departments.

Conference calls on the Health Group Executive to campaign vigorously against this latest attempt at privatisation and save our CSSD members from the vagaries of the private sector. The campaign should be supported nationally and co-ordinated regionally. UNISON nationally should produce materials and facilitate the sharing of information across the UK, to support Regional Health Committees (RHC’s) in co-ordinating opposition, including lodging collective disputes (up to and including legal industrial action), where necessary, within regions. All branches at this Conference agree to gather information locally on developments affecting CSSD members and commit to working in RHCs to campaign against privitisation. Whilst the Department of Health’s strategy is clearly an English only initiative, other strategies are being developed in the rest of the UK. Branch delegates from the other three countries should carefully monitor any plans towards privatisation and take appropriate action.