Crisis in Care

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2004 National Women's Conference
6 October 2003
Carried as Amended

Conference welcomes the work being done nationally regarding crisis in care within the Right to Care campaign.

Conference condemns the cost-cutting culture of some local authorities, which results in the elderly, mostly women, being uprooted from what is recognised as their home. They are moved to another establishment based only on cost.

An example is an 88 year old woman who was moved from her much loved home after eight years to save £10 per day. The lady concerned died eight days later. The death certificate is reported to show acute stress and reaction. We note that the woman was also suffering from a chest infection at the time of the move. She is only one of many.

Conference therefore calls upon the National Women’s Committee to:

1)promote the national campaign;

2)liaise with Labour Link, National Retired Members’ Committee and appropriate national committees to highlight the problem;

3)include an article in the next National Women’s Committee newsletter;

4)circulate the details to all branches.