- Conference
- 2003 National Delegate Conference
- Date
- 29 May 2003
- Decision
- Carried
Conference supports the movement for fairer trade with developing countries in the struggle against poverty and unjust trade terms. Conference endorses the Fairtrade standards set up by the Fairtrade Foundation.
These standards guarantee that fairly traded products like tea, coffee or textiles are bought at a price which not only covers the cost of production, but also provides a living wage plus a margin for social investment. Products complying with Fairtrade standards are bought directly from the producers’ organisations which genuinely represent their members.
Conference proposes that:
1)tea and coffee used in union headquarters/the national office is fairly traded. Nigaraguan fair traded coffee is one possibility. If this is not possible, then at least one fairly traded drink should be available and attention brought to this availability;
2)branches and regions use fairly traded tea and coffee wherever feasible;
3)the National Executive Council will oblige caterers at UNISON events to provide at least one fair-traded tea or coffee;
4)UNISON promotes the use of fair trade products to its membership. This may be achieved via articles in the members’ magazine or by producing literature for distribution to members/branches.