- Conference
- 2002 National Black Members' Conference
- Date
- 6 June 2002
- Decision
- Carried as Amended
This Conference notes the proposal to join together the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE), Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) and Disability Rights Commission (DRC) under one new Equalities Commission. At this stage it appears that this new Commission could also deal with lesbian and gay and age discrimination.
This Conference has previously expressed concerns about the effectiveness of the CRE in representing race cases or funding others who are able to do this. We have seen in some local authorities that where generic equalities units have been established, race has dropped down the agenda.
This Conference instructs the National Black Members’ Committee to work with UNISON, the CRE, the EOC, the DRC and organisations addressing lesbian and gay and age issues to ensure that the consultation process and development of any new Commission is widely carried out in order to avoid the marginalisation of race matters.