On April 1st, all NHS staff on Agenda for Change terms and conditions should have received a pay rise. As you will all be aware this has not happened. UNISON launched its pay campaign in Summer 2020 and despite the warm rhetoric from Westminster, the governments submission to the Pay Review Body (PRB) recommended a derisory 1% increase.
It is important to note however, that this recommendation is not an official offer. Rather, it is one recommendation, of several that have been submitted. UNISON’s campaign is for £2000 for every member of staff at every pay point and in our own submission to the PRB. We argued that this would have a positive impact on the workforce. It would also have a net positive economic impact by supporting families where many have lost their jobs due to the pandemic and where a heavier burden has been placed on those who remain in employment.
At time of writing, the PRB is considering all the evidence submitted by all relevant parties including: the UK Government, Trade Unions and NHS Employers. This means that we still have time to get the government to change its position and so, our campaign continues.
Now more than ever, health workers need a morale boost. Whether the new pay deal shows NHS staff are truly appreciated by government, or brings morale to an all-time low, is in the hands of our MPs.
Our campaign must continue to be public facing and underpinned by our evidence, our argument and our collective strength. We must also prepare members and ensure that UNISON is ‘ballot ready’ should we need to consider industrial action in response to the formal pay offer.
To that end, it is vital that you ensure the following is up to date on UNISON’s membership system:
- Your name
- Home Address
- Employer
- Employers address (many trusts and health boards will have multiple premises)
- Your current occupation
- Your contact preferences allowing UNISON to contact you on this issue
Please share this information with your colleagues and ask that they do the same. In the meantime, you can follow our public facing campaign on our social media channels and use the resources available by using the links below. Remember to use #OneTeam2k so we can find you and amplify your support.
- UNISON Health Twitter – @UNISONOurNHS
- UNISON Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/unisonhealth
- NHS Pay Monitor – https://nhspay.org/
- Workplace Poster – https://www.unison.org.uk/content/uploads/2021/03/NHS-pay-monitor-poster-with-QR-code.pdf