The online case form is available to branches that are not currently using the CaseWeb system. The online form must be completed in order to refer a case to their regional office. The form is not to be made available for members to use and must be completed by the branch, using the password previously communicated.
Note: Anyone using the case form for the purposes of potential Industrial Tribunal or Fair Employment Tribunal proceedings in Northern Ireland should also download and supply the Northern Ireland supplement below.
Recent changes
You should know that it is mandatory from 6 May 2014 to notify ACAS of a dispute and trigger early conciliation.
This procedure will be undertaken by organisers once the union’s solicitors assess that a legal case has reasonable prospects of success.
Triggering the early conciliation procedure changes the deadline within which to lodge claims.
Please remember therefore to refer legal cases to your organisers as soon as possible, and in good time before the three months (less one day) deadline.
Also note that the version of the form in resources below is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and so old forms should not be used.