Disputes and grievances


Discipline at work and disciplinary procedures are designed to help employers get the best out of members and are never to be used to intimidate or coerce employees.

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Employment tribunals

Employment tribunals deal with legal hearings between workers and employers when there is a dispute about employment rights that can’t be resolved less formally.

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A grievance is a complaint made by an employee to their employer, which requires the employer to take further action. Find out your rights here.

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Industrial action

Industrial action occurs when members of a trade union organise into a group that either refuses to work, or refuses to work in the way employers want. Industrial action may take place when no resolution has been found in bargaining and negotiation with the employer.

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If you suspect unlawful activity at work, you may want to inform someone about it. UK law protects whistleblowers from unfair dismissal, or other detriment, as a result of having blown the whistle, as long as the disclosure is made to the right person, in the right way.

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