17 – 19 April 2023
Bournemouth International Centre, Exeter Road, Bournemouth, UK
UNISON’s Health Service Group Executive Committee has agreed to hold a Health Service Group Conference on Monday 17th April 2023 to Wednesday 19th April 2023.
We have now opened the Online Conferencing System (OCS) to allow branches to register delegates and submit motions in line with the rule-book requirements.
Please note the deadline to submit motions on OCS is
12.00 noon on Friday 9th December 2022
UNISON’s Health Service Group Conference takes place over three days. All delegates and visitors may attend all sessions of conference but voting on motions is restricted to delegates only. Delegates should attend all sessions of Conference.
The conference bulletin will have further information on motion submission from the SOC and submission deadlines.
Delegates and visitors should contact their branch to be registered through the OCS.
If you have any queries, please contact the Conference Office at conferences@unison.co.uk
Registration and Enquiries
If you want to attend the conference, please contact your branch who can register you as a delegate or visitor on the Online Conference System (OCS). Once you are registered you will receive a email confirmation from OCS.
If you have any queries about the conference, please email conferences@unison.co.uk
Travel Arrangements
Branches are asked to book all travel arrangements for conference through Stewart Corporate Travel by emailing
or telephone:
Travel costs for Delegates be funded nationally;
Branches are responsible for funding their visitors attendance at conference. Subsistence should cover the cost of accommodation, meals, childcare, dependent care and facilitation.
Conference Travel should be booked by the cheapest possible means.
Driving is discouraged for conference unless delegates are travelling together or as a reasonable adjustment. Total reclaimable will be the cost of standard tickets or cost of car travel – whichever is the lesser.
The 250 mile / upgraded or 1st Class travel rule is not applicable for conference travel
All travel requests (including upgraded or 1st Class Travel) as a reasonable adjustment must be reviewed and authorised by the Head of Conferences.
Branches are encouraged to arrange accommodation through Delegate Reservations, the accommodation service at Bournemouth Tourism. Using Bournemouth Tourism supports the work of our members in local government and ensures our continuing ability, as a not-for-profit organisation, to secure preferential rates for our conference venues.
For full details of current availability and for bookings please go to:
Telephone: 01202 816147 or
E-mail: info@bebres.org.uk
Please ensure that members have written confirmation of any booked and paid for accommodation.
Deadline for Submission of Motions | 12 noon | Friday, 09 December 2022 |
Publication of Preliminary Agenda | Friday, 13 January 2023 | |
Deadline for Submission of Delegates | 12.00pm | Thursday, 26 January 2023 |
Deadline for Submission of Creche places | 12.00pm | Thursday, 09 February 2023 |
Deadline for Submission of reasonable adjustment requests for access | 4.00pm | Thursday, 16 February 2023 |
Deadline for Submission of Amendments | 12.00pm | Friday, 17 February 2023 |
Publication of Final Agenda | Friday, 17 March 2023 | |
Deadline for Emergency Motions | 12.00pm | Friday, 07 April 2023 |
Deadline for Submitting Change of Delegates on the OCS | 11:59pm | Thursday, 13 April 2023 |
Personal Pronouns
It is now possible to add your personal pronouns to the online conference system so that they can appear on your credentials.
For information on how to do this, please visit the UNISON website, click on events, choose your conference and scroll to the documents at the bottom of the page and open “Personal pronouns in OCS – User guide”.
If you require help, please email the conference team, conferences@unison.co.uk or telephone, 0207 121 5123.