12 – 14 October 2017
Venue Cymru, The Promenade, Llandudno, Conwy LL30 1BB
The national conference of UNISON’s Police and Justice members.
Registration and enquiries
If you want to attend the conference, please contact your branch, who can register you as a delegate or visitor on the Online Conference System. If you have any queries about the conference, contact our conference office (see details below).
Please help us to help the environment
We’re doing our best to reduce the environmental impact of our conferences. This year, we are providing all delegates with the chance to opt out of being sent paper copies of our conference materials as part of the delegates’ despatch. All these documents will be available online via the conference app, and on the UNISON website. You can then download them onto your laptop or tablet to view online while you are at conference. If you wish to opt out please indicate this on the ‘Extras’ screen options on the Online Conference System (OCS). If you do not opt out, you will be sent all documentation in hard copy form.
For further information, please see the ‘Opting Out’ document below.
Venue and accommodation
Venue Cymru, The Promenade, Llandudno, Conwy LL30 1BB
If you require assistance in booking your accommodation, the team at Llandudno Tourist Information Centre can help. This service would normally cost £2, however if delegates quote ‘UNISON’ at the time of enquiry, this fee will be waived.
A 10% deposit of the total cost is required at the time of booking to secure the room(s), this deposit will then be deducted from the final bill.
To take advantage of this service please call 01492 577577. One of the friendly team members will then take down your specific requirements, search for availability and book it on your behalf. You may also e-mail your requirements through to llandudnotic@conwy.gov.uk quoting ‘UNISON’ however please note for security, payments can only be taken over the telephone.
Alternatively, you can enquire on-line using the following link: www.visitllandudno.org.uk/conference-accommodation-booking-form
Travel Information
Branches are asked to book all travel arrangements for conference through Stewart Corporate Travel. Travel application forms are attached to the conference bulletin below.
Wherever possible, please ensure train tickets are delivered to you directly as collecting them from stations incurs an extra charge.
Travel costs for delegates will be funded nationally; travel costs for visitors must be paid for by the branch.
Branches are responsible for funding their delegates’ and visitors’ attendance at conference. Subsistence should cover the cost of accommodation, meals, childcare, dependent care and facilitation.
Who should attend
Full details on who can attend, branch representation, proportionality and fair representation are available in the conference bulletin below.
Contact the conference office
UNISON Conference Office, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London, NW1 2AY
Tel: 020 7121 5123